
Posts Tagged ‘Web’

Twitter as an Alternative Form of RSS

January 15th, 2010 No comments

So traditionally I am fairly anti-twitter, at least as it is often used, the bird below summing up my thoughts on the subject quite nicely. It just doesn’t work for me, I have enough of a time keeping up with the data I want and actively seek out, I don’t need to be spending further time sifting through the sea of endless inane drivel some people end up posting to fill up the space between their interesting notes, I really just don’t need to know how awesome the burger at lunch was or how wasted you were last night. I also have no real interest in subjecting others to the same from me. So aside from saving a name on the system in case it became one of those things you simply had to have as part of society I haven’t done anything with twitter up to now.

Twitter Nobody Cares Shirt

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Categories: The Interwebs Tags: , , ,

The Oatmeal

January 4th, 2010 No comments

Thought I should throw in a blog post that wasn’t about the blog itself for once and while I am indeed a fan of some good old apple & cinnamon oatmeal, that’s not what I want to talk about today.

Today I just wanted to take a sec and promote a recent find via coworker Lauren. is a fun little one man humor site full of comics both article like and random in their views and commentary as well as quizzes ranging from “Could You Pass a Driving Test?” to “How Long Could You Survive After Kicking a Bear in the Balls?”.

My personal foray into the twisted world of TheOatmeal started with “Why it’s better to pretend you don’t know anything about computers”, which Lauren thought I’d appreciate (I am the sole IT person for my company) and forwarded over.  Appreciate it I did, so much that I could not help but give in to distraction and read on further into the site, which for the most part was equally full of win, a second short but sweet example being “8 Ways to Prepare Your Pets for War”(I have cats 😀 ).

So anyway, go and give it a look.  I’ve finished all the comics and while its not pure gold, its pretty dang close.  I now plan to follow up by taking the quizzes and posting the results to a soon to be made, “About Me” page, or something like that.  Finally a place to save all the results from these kinds of things.  Never had a good place before.

I must say it really is amazing the way the post ideas flow once you open yourself to talking about whatever you feel like.  Of course this lack of focus will probably result in fewer watchers/subscribers, but so it goes.

Categories: Fun Tags: , , ,