
Posts Tagged ‘Jutari Empire’

What’s In A Domain Name…

December 28th, 2009 No comments

So given my stated purpose I’m sure the domain/blog name seems pretty random and so some may be wondering whats going on there.  The detailed explanation could be a bit involved so I’ll give you the cliff notes for now.  Essentially I have a persistent original world scifi concept that I write stories for when I’m feeling creative, currently nothing posted anywhere so don’t bother looking, if I ever do decide to put anything about it in the public eye it will be here.  I admit in its current form its pretty self indulgent so you probably won’t see much till I tone things down a bit so that there can be some conflict to make things interesting.

Nonetheless central to the world is an empire spanning a vast array of star systems.  Technically it is the Jutari Empire and citizens identify themselves as being Jutari but otherwise because of its size and standing many, both inside as well as outside the empire, have taken to appending “Eternal” to the title when being formal and unless other empires are actively being discussed many will go so far as to simply refer to it as “The Empire”.

So the empire and such are very central to me creatively and that’s what is unique to me as a person, different from the endless other geeky blogs out there, so that’s what I decided to name the site/blog after.  Anything else would have been in some way generic, calling on the same old themes.  Its not SEO friendly I know, but you know what?  I’ll live ;p

So Why The Blog?

December 20th, 2009 No comments

I hear you asking.  In this age of seemingly endless exhibitionism what are MY reasons for creating a blog?  Well I’m doing it for a few reasons.

I admit part of it is just the classic shouting out in the dark because its better than the silence.  It feels good sometimes to express yourself, especially when you don’t often otherwise get the opportunity.  Self centered as blogs and social media in general tend to be I happen to fully realize that not many people will care much about what I have to say because that’s how it tends to play out in real life.  In spite of my best efforts, real life events have resulted in a general perception that what I have to say just isn’t that interesting to most people, which has led to some social difficulties.  Its hard to get and particularly KEEP a conversation going  when you are convinced before hand that the other person won’t be interested in your side of the conversation.  With a blog, however, I’m shouting out to everyone, casting the net wide as they say.  So with luck maybe I’ll find a few oddballs actually interested and if not, again it still feels good to express yourself.  Outside of this quest to simply be heard?

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