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Christmas Gifts & New Year’s Resolutions

A late merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

I simply must start taking time for these posts, its part of my new years resolution list after all…again. >_>

I’m recently returned from a 3 day new years LAN.  The theme was Serious Sam but we played much more.  I’m happy to report good times were had by all, but we all have work so it had to wrap up.

Of course like everyone else I have my own list of things I’d like to get done but most certainly will not, so without further ado…

My new year’s resolutions (In no real order):

  • Update blog, not consistently but just generally more, particularly more meaningful ones not just “Happy X Holiday!”
  • Play/complete some single player games from the  Steam sale
  • Improve time management/focus
  • Get girlfriend or seriously try anyway.
  • Acquire at least 1-2 technical certifications
  • Loose weight – So common it barely warrants mentioning really but for completeness sake right?

Sorry I didn’t get a proper merry Christmas post in.  I thought about putting one in real quick before posting this one but really, whats the point in that?  I’m just making myself feel better when I look at the home page when I do that sort of thing.  I can try and wallpaper over the hole but its still going to be there.

I had a very nice Christmas this year and I hope all did as well.  It came a bit early and I spent more than I meant to, but my expenses pale in comparison to what my parents spent so I can’t complain.  Besides, though it was more than expected the gifts were very well received.

Christmas Gifts of Note:

  • Kindle Wireless Gen.3: Very cool, hoping to cut down on the sheer mass of my technical book collection.  First books purchased: Beginning WordPress 3 (Development & design) and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter XD  I’ve also hacked it so now I have custom sleep mode backgrounds.  It’s impressively short sighted that Amazon hasn’t expended the minimal effort to implement the highly requested feature, but that’s corporate for you.
  • Iron Man 2: Loved the first, loved the second.
  • Magellan Roadmate 5045: Handy new GPS for my soon to be aquired new car used car.
  • Enterprise Pizza Cutter: So cool I kind of hate to actually use it.
  • Tron: Legacy OST: Awesome sound track from a fantastic movie.
  • Tron: Evolution: Hope it lives up to Tron 2.0’s standards, that was a great game.

Blarg and it grows increasingly late my friends and so while its a bit abrupt I think I’ll bring this post to a close. Stay safe and have a happy new year!

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