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So Why The Blog?

December 20th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

I hear you asking.  In this age of seemingly endless exhibitionism what are MY reasons for creating a blog?  Well I’m doing it for a few reasons.

I admit part of it is just the classic shouting out in the dark because its better than the silence.  It feels good sometimes to express yourself, especially when you don’t often otherwise get the opportunity.  Self centered as blogs and social media in general tend to be I happen to fully realize that not many people will care much about what I have to say because that’s how it tends to play out in real life.  In spite of my best efforts, real life events have resulted in a general perception that what I have to say just isn’t that interesting to most people, which has led to some social difficulties.  Its hard to get and particularly KEEP a conversation going  when you are convinced before hand that the other person won’t be interested in your side of the conversation.  With a blog, however, I’m shouting out to everyone, casting the net wide as they say.  So with luck maybe I’ll find a few oddballs actually interested and if not, again it still feels good to express yourself.  Outside of this quest to simply be heard?

 You can’t have too many people reviewing things.  Particularly in the realm of software I’ve too often felt like the places I ended up may have not been the most unbiased.  I’m not going to promise endless reviews and I admit desire/motivation will result in most of my reviews being for things I LIKE but every little bit counts.  Practicing an art is another reason of course.

I’ve been complimented on my writing skills but I still think they could use some work.  Practice makes perfect as they always say so writing a blog should improve my skills, both in normal informative writing such as this as well as any creative writing I may convince myself to post.  Of course the practice part depends on me doing this consistently.

Consistency, traditionally, is not one of my strong points.  I will post of few things because something made me feel like it and then I’ll drop it.  One good thing about this blog in that respect is that I’m going into it saying, “This is just my generic personal blog”, so I can write about whatever I feel like.

Many of the other places I’ve written, such as DeviantArt.com, have had some kind of focus to them or at least felt like they did so I would get related things out on occasion but I would at the same time have things that didn’t fit so they would go unwritten and the related items would be few and far enough between that it was all the easier to get out of the habit entirely.  With this just being my blog I can truly write about whatever I want so I have no excuse to not write often or for things to go unwritten and be lost.  Thus far I haven’t set any minimum post/week goals but I will, if I need to.  My final reason is actually technical.

I’m an IT geek, working full time as a small company’s IT Director(director of myself that is), with many of the stereotypical interests, which will become clear in the things I write about, though I think I’m a little more low key than the full stereotype implies.  As such though I’ve chosen to host this on my own domain to give myself a site/platform that I can do with as I wish, building on my currently semi-paltry web skills; learning to theme wordpress and drupal as well as learn javascript and php in an environment where its not too big a deal if something gets broken from time to time.

. . . And that’s pretty much it for my reasons, there is assuredly subtext to each item but that’s the core of it.  Hope it jives with you and you come back again some time.  Till next time.

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